Tokensale is finished
Round 1: Jan 03 - Jan 01
Round 2: Jan 03 - Mar 03
Total rounds: 2
Tokensale is now: closed
$0 of $74 000 000 is collected - 0%

raised in Ethereum~ $0

raised in Bitcoin~ $0

raised in Bitcoin Cash~ $0

raised in Dash~ $0

raised in Litecoin~ $0
Limited single token emission:

74 000 000 VET
total emission

30 643 VET
tokens out (1 %)
75% of tokens - for clients distribution
12% of tokens - to the team
10% of tokens - referral, advisers, fond
3% of tokens - bounty and other targets
There will be no unreleased tokens. Emission of tokens strictly for distribution - no need to burn unnecessary ones. An approximate maximum is indicated, which may change slightly due to the bonus program. For getting tokens, use a wallet that supports ERC 20 Ethereum tokens, such as MyEtherWallet, Mist, Metamask or Parity. Do not send ETH via Exchange, Poloniex, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Bitrexx,, Jaxx, Exodus, Kraken, Bitstamp and any other Bitcoin or Ethereum exchanges and exchangers.
$20 000 000
Softcap in translation into dollars
191 406 ETH
Total Softcap in ETH equivalent in all currencies
$74 000 000
Hardcap in dollars converted
708 202 ETH
Total hardcap in ETH equivalent in all currencies
1 ETH = 104..152 VET
Range of token exchange with allowance for bonus
1 VET = $1.00..0.69
Range of real value of the token